“If you understand that you are Ten Bodies, and you are aware of these Ten Bodies, and you keep them in balance, the whole universe will be in balance with you.” Yogi Bhajan

Most human beings only ever identify with one of their bodies: the physical one. At best, you figure out that next to your physical body, you also have a mind… and if you are really conscious, then you’ll also credit yourself with a soul.

The truth is that a human is made out of ten bodies: the physical body, three mental bodies and six energy bodies. All the Ten Bodies together make up your totality, and your totality will determine your calibre. Calibre is what will get you through life.

Yogi Bhajan outlined 10 Bodies as a philosophy of how to understand and excel in our human experience. At times he associated them with the 8 chakras, but they are a discrete system that stand alone in providing a unique perspective on how we balance the human life. The Ten Bodies include: Soul Body, Negative Mind, Positive Mind, Neutral Mind, Pranic Body, Physical Body, Arcline, Auric Body, Subtle Body and Radiant Body.

The First Body – Soul Body

The first body is your soul body. It connects you to your inner infinity. It is the experience of the flow of spirit within yourself.

You are the soul: the infinite soul who came to earth to experience a human life. All the other bodies are there to serve you, the infinite soul.

The soul body is your base of life, the ultimate foundation against which you push your daily existence. The real issue underlying the soul body is the question of whether or not you are living from the heart. When your connection to your Soul Body is weak, it will be harder to find the strength to live your passions and follow your bliss. You’ll get stuck in “what-ifs” and “why-fors”.

When you die and leave your physical body, the Soul Body and the Subtle Body will go, travel onward to the next level of your incarnation, with a record of all your deeds, words, and actions.

Once the Soul Body has left the physical, the weight is less. It’s therefore both, completely spiritual and a completely real.

If you have a strong connection to your Soul Body, you will know why you are here: you have a conscious awareness of your journey. Why are you here? What is your legacy?

Don’t look for the answers outside. The foundation lies in this world but it is beyond this world. You are here on this earth to fulfil a destiny. Bow to it; agree with it – recognise the bigger picture.

Humility is the virtue of the Soul Body. Guru Nanak, the first guru of the Sikhs, embodied the humility. Born in 1469 in India to Hindu parents, he established a mode of spirituality that included everyone regardless of caste, creed, or sex. He sang powerful songs of love for the Divine and held compassion and love for all. He was completely aligned with his Soul, seeing the Infinite within all things. His many miracles and inspired teachings formed the basis for the Sikh religion.

If you have a strong Soul Body, you will feel very creative, in the flow, and sexy. You will live from the heart, completely in line with what you have come to earth for, living a creative life full of passion and purpose. You will live from your heart and feel infinitely loved by the flow of the Universe.

  • Indicators of a weak soul body can include:
    Sexual dysfunctions
    Blockages, especially in the digestive and elimination systems

Strengthen your soul body by keeping your digestion and elimination strong; practice humility and donate your time to selfless service (SEVA); lead with your heart (never with your ego); get creative.
Take some time to read the Japji Sahib.

“In Japji, Guru Nanak gave you guidance, telling you the way he found liberation: ‘In the ambrosial hour, meditate on the True Identity. Your karma will be covered and you will see the door of liberation.’” – Yogi Bhajan

You can also connect to the Mul Mantra which can change your fate, kill your karma and align you faster with your soul’s purpose.

Finally, recognise that if you can’t see God in all, you cannot see God at all… feel connected to the universe.

Melanie ReidSat Nam
Nam Hari Kaur