Kundalini Yoga and Spirituality

T Today I want to talk to you about a key concept in Kundalini Yoga: spirituality and your spiritual journey. Moreover, let’s also use

1st chakra: MULADHARA

Muladhara is our first chakra: the Root Chakra which keeps us linked to the earth. It is responsible for everything that manifests in the

3rd chakra: MANIPURA

Everything begins in the third chakra, linked to life via our umbilical chord in our mother’s womb, the lifeline that fed us and nourish

4th chakra: ANAHATA

Let’s start talking about chakras! And why don’t I start in the first one? As next Saturday the full moon will influence the meridian

Winter Solstice: from darkness to the light

C hristmas is here: celebrations and lights… there are a lot of lights! Have you ever thought about the real meaning of Christmas and

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