The Physical Body is the temple where the other Nine Bodies play their parts.
If we don’t take care of our physical body, then everything else suffers.

What is your relationship with your physical body?

Due to the influences of the mass media, we have been given this impression of a perfect body – meaning that we can easily be subdued by the marketing and advertising techniques of the big conglomerates. To the point where some may even have a hate relationship with their bodies.

Key word body shaming.

The physical body is so important – how do you want to have everything turn out right in life, but hate yourself for your body? A positive relationship with a strong physical body is a key to creating a whole and happy life.

A strong fifth body allows you to maintain and feel your true balance while giving of yourself and your time. If you feel down or drained, and to weak to offer your help when someone asks for it, then you may be suffering from a weak physical body. Thyroid problems and also problems stuttering relate to the 5th body. Depression often results from a weak 5th body. A strong 5th body helps you to develop the capacity to sacrifice for the greater good.

Your physical body gives you your capacity to sacrifice – to make sacred. The 5 is also the number representing the teacher as well as balance, and in the terms of the chakras, the bridge to the higher realms.

The five is also there to choose dharma over karma. Angels envy humans for this capacity of a physical body. They don’t have the option to clean their karma, and praise or manifest GOD.

As the teacher is the bridge between the divine and the earth, so is the fifth body a bridge between the inner and the outer world.

One of the keys to the physical body, and the number 5 is communication – the spoken or uttered word. Mystically, we are born from sound, and our body can give us back sound. The principle medium for this multi-dimensional communication is the nervous system. If it is strong, it can handle more.

Guru Arjan or Guru Arjun was the fifth guru of the Sikh. Arjan means bridge (arj: prayer). Known for his incredible loving devotion, Guru Arjan had an extraordinarily strong physical body. Despite being tortured for five days and nights, he never flinched, chanting “Waheguru” the entire time. He was the treasure of celestial knowledge and spiritual excellence. He substantially contributed towards the welfare of the society and stood steadfastly for the principles he believed in, sacrificed his own life, and attained a unique and unparalleled martyrdom in the history of mankind. The preparation of the Holy Book is the most valuable achievement of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

By the grace of the guru, the virtue of the physical body therefore becomes sacrifice.

If you want to strengthen your physical body, then you can exercise, teach, go out into the sunshine, or treat yourself! Any type of body work like massage, reflexology, taking a hot bath, aromatherapy, or Reiki will help strengthen the physical body.

The mantra “Ang Sang Waheguru” (God is in every cell of my body) reaffirms the presence of the Divine within you.


Sat Nam

Nam Hari Kaur