It is funny how sometimes when I am’m in the middle of my daily practice, and a thought comes to my mind: “I’m practicing Kundalini Yoga, I’m a Kundalini Yoga teacher… Wow! How have I got here?!?”. Then I think about contemplate how Kundalini has changed my life and myself, all the beautiful people whom I have met in on the way, and I feel so grateful to be here and now. This is my daily awareness and it is great to start the day this way. Is it easy to wake up earlier to practice? NO, but you feel great after!

Some years ago, I didn’t know that there were many ways to practice Yoga and that my traumatic first approach was an Ashtanga class (still a torture as I’m not flexible). Also, I was so into a life of work, party and materialism that the only thing I did was gym, gym, gym to sculpt my body.

Of course, a burnout came so I decided to quite everything and take a gap year around the world. I guess the chance started there and I discovered a sense of freedom that I had never experience before. And also that I discovered that you don’t need material luxuries to be happy, as real luxuries are in the unique experiences you can find in your life.

I started meditation on my journey (Buddhism) and in India a I met some Yoga teachers. No, I didn’t start practicing in India, but I understood that Hatha, Ashtanga and Kundalini are different practices of Yoga. Eva, a Spanish Kundalini teacher recommended me to try this “technology”.

In a the middle of my post-gap year trauma I tried different practices of Yoga and discovered that Eva was right: Kundalini was the one. But don’t think it was because I felt Kundalini energy rising and the light or so… I just found the practice nice, adapted to my needs and dynamic. I just wanted to train my body again in a gentle way. As time passed I realized that I felt so good on the days I went to class. I was really looking forward to it! Without a job, lost in my hometown, Kundalini was my relief in a difficult period of my life.

Everybody starts Yoga for a need: it can be just physical, spiritual or just curiosity. All are respectful as the main thing is to find your place in the mat. The rest is coming alone, as magic… I guess it is the awareness of a meeting to yourself, your real self, what who you really are and not the image that you want to give to the world. YES! It is you, beautiful, with all your virtues that you love, but also with all your defaults that you stop hating once you are in your practice.

I moved to Luxembourg 5 years ago. I had a really hard time in the beginning because of the huge differences with the Madrid life style, light, temperature and of course being far from my family and best friends. I could not find a Yoga practice that I felt comfortable with, because at that time there was not such a big offer – and of course there was no Kundalini ( I hadn’t started with Sadhana yet). Depression finally diagnosed. At that moment, I have realized that I really had to do something about it, and one of my targets goals was to find a good training for Kundalini Yoga teachers. If I couldn’t find a class, I could at least practice it by myself.

I decided to do my training in Spain so I could also enjoy as well my time there with my family and friends. What a decision… What a beautiful Sangat!
Ok, I have to recognize that the chanting, all the hugs and all the “peace and love” was too much in the beginning. But that was only just of my behaviour patterns that I had to face and get over. I experienced so much love, wisdom and friendship that even going back to Luxembourg to practice on my own was not difficult anymore. At that point I decided to teach after my training because I felt in the need of sharing all the amazing things that I was learning.

And that was a wise decision. I started Karma Yoga (teaching for free) with a lovely group of friends at home and then I jumped into the competitive world of Yoga in Luxembourg. Luck was again by my side as I heard about Melanie being a Kundalini teacher as well. So instead of thinking of her as a competitor I contacted her to become a “tiny” Sangat. Now she is more than a colleague, and you can see here in on this website how the story ended!

I’m specializing in Kundalini Yoga as a complement to sports performance (still writing my thesis, sorry Siri Tapa Kaur for being so late!) and I’m passionate about Kundalini Yoga as a holistic therapy that can be used to heal body, mind and spirit through working on the chakras and the whole body system using kriyas and meditation.

I believe in Sangat, the power of the group, and in practicing all together from our heart. I believe in collaboration and in Yoga as a devotion.

YES, I’m paid for my classes and I negotiate my rates because I have invested money in my training and, at in the end, I give a service (especially when I work for other yoga studios). However, NOBODY will miss my class because of money. And I told to myself that in the moment I feel the stress of competition I’ll be out. I’ll always have Kundalini Yoga with me!

I am thankful to share this holistic technology and to feel the beautiful energy of the people who trust me to guide their practice. I dedicate my daily Sadhana to those who help me to grow as a yogini every day.

My courses are at A Magical Butterfly (33, rue de Strasbourg)

Thursday 10am

Sunday 10,30 am